Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Guidelines for seasonal skin care in tune against the sensitive skin care - Shanxi Channel - People

    of complaints: Spring has come, the new use of cosmetics are always feel a little discomfort. This reporter specifically related to skin care experts invited everyone to FAQ.

    department in Shenzhen, Beijing East Gate of the Sun Run pearl beauty counters to do skin care instructor, said Ms. Wang: Right now during the season, it is the high incidence of skin allergies. Replacement during the season to pay attention to doing the cosmetic skin test, this test is very simple: to use cosmetics to be applied on the inner wrist skin more delicate areas, retention for one night or for 2-3 days to observe its response, if abnormal reactions, such as inflammation, redness, rash, etc. from,mac makeup wholesale, you must avoid using the products. At the same time, Ms. Wang said, season season, especially in the city of Shenzhen this easy to allergies, the best way is to transfer within the outer casing, from the root to prevent allergic origin.

    the transfer mechanism, look to the United States from a health perspective

    , beautiful skin requires adequate intake of the 7 major nutrients (protein, vitamins, minerals, fat, sugar, oxygen, water) in order to obtain real and lasting beauty, and some beauty-conscious women can also take beauty health food to get beautiful skin. Beauty health food mainly through the regulation of functions within the human body, inside the body functions and the relative balance between the external environment to achieve the cosmetic effect. Currently, the country approved to allow the production of 27 kinds of functional foods with health, have a cosmetic effect, directly or indirectly, such as the Beijing-run pearl beauty capsule and nano-pure pearl powder, rich in 19 kinds of amino acids, 20 minerals, high activity taurine and rich bio-keratin pearls and a large number of trace elements, can improve dry skin, loose skin, dull skin problems, can relieve wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, anti-aging, skin smooth and shiny . Female beauty according to their actual situation or consulting nutritionist to take these health food products, in order to delay skin aging,mac brushes, effective Totale.

    the same time, the reporter also reminded consumers in the purchase of beauty health food,vibram 5 fingers, be sure to pay attention to whether there are health food packaging health food purchase.

    outside the protection skin, keep skin moist and shiny

    Spring is the season of active human body, the sebaceous glands secrete strong. The skin is not short of oil, dry skin feeling dry, oil-water imbalance caused. Almost all skin care products have a moisturizing effect, but one thing must be clear, is not absorbed complement the more the better, because the additional water can not truly return to the skin moist state, and a good moisturizing products are designed to strengthen skin cell hydration. Pay up the oil at the same time we should also appropriately, can we lock in the moisture is not lost.

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    clean cosmetics facial: cleansing, moisturizing the skin

    refreshing to maintain skin's natural moisture, leaving skin soft and not tight. Contains pearl extract and cleaning factor, remove excess oil and dirt, and clear the pores, make skin breathe freely, absorb nutrients better, hydrolyzed pearl essence, deep skin and improve skin oil and water imbalance.

    Mask: the promotion of skin metabolism

    sleep mask skin care principle is: the use of a thick layer of cream dressing, skin barrier face contact with the air, effectively inhibited the secretion of sebum and sweat evaporation leaving the skin temperature rise, soften skin, expanded pores, sweat can accumulate on the inside of the homeopathic excluded, and the skin is perfectly clear immediately after a thorough cleaning glossy.

    skin temperature increased and then the blood circulation of nutrients to penetrate the skin deeper and broader in the cells to spread, rapid nutritional supplements, skin surface evaporation of moisture that will not be retained in the epidermis, the epidermis full of water up and tight skin will look smoother, fine lines will become pale, but fair degree of brightness improved significantly, and this is the reason mask can work wonders!

    【Care Class Cosmetics】 lotion: nourish the skin first

    After cleaning up water,mac makeup, you can increase the skin's moisture and softens the skin stratum corneum, so that follow-up of lotions, creams, etc. to better absorption. This section contains a pearl essence lotion and moisturizing ingredients, 24-hour long dynamic replenishment, skin care to enjoy the water surplus. Collagen amino acids nourish skin and promote elastic fiber, collagen regeneration, shrink, tighten skin and help restore beautiful luster; make-up water also has to adjust PH value of skin effect. After using the cleanser (cleanser and more alkaline), the original weak acid will be temporarily out of balance the skin, use skin lotion to adjust the PH value.

    emulsions: light moisturizing lotion is not greasy

    cosmetics as a liquid cream with added moisture, the role of nutritional supplements. Since the emulsion contains 10% to 80% of the water, therefore, can add moisture to the skin, moist skin. In addition to water, the emulsion also contains a small amount of oil, when the face of tight skin, the emulsion of the oil to moisturize the skin, make skin soft.


    spring beauty care steps

    1. first use cleanser. Its function is to first come into contact with the skin whitening ingredients, gently clean the skin surface, washed the skin clean and radiant.

    2. to use make-up water. The water quality whitening ingredients into the cell, one before using the other whitening products, rendering products, the second is the first line of defense against UV-blocking.

    3. using emulsion. The formula containing highly moisturizing, skin soft and moist. Because it contains moisturizing ingredients, long-term use can make spots was pale, clear skin, white, smooth.

    4. mask once or twice a week deposited. Effect is to periodically repair, strengthen whitening, skin recovery in the shortest period of time past the white and shiny.