Thursday, March 17, 2011

Beijing local industry,

    Monday to Friday published the first 2246 Beijing Daily Newspaper Group executives hosted
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    After nearly two years of deliberation and preparation, the broad concern of the Beijing wine enterprise restructuring was finally unveiled. Yesterday, the Beijing Capital Wine Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Agricultural groups from the capital before the capital of wine now and Beijing next month for a listing of the Group and the light at various local industrial group can be expected, which seems to have sent out a message:

    listed wine capital of pandering to the Co-owned Beijing Holdings (Group) Co., Ltd. a joint venture officially established the capital of wine. Beijing Light Group as a key enterprise of the Red Star Erguotou and Dragon Seal wine was included in the new company,vibram 5 fingers, then, the capital of wine will have its Qu Hong,
    It is reported that as early as last March, a magic light Holdings chairman Zhang Dragon Seal wine once in a century the ceremony said the dragon emblem to its wine, Red Star Erguotou, and the wine harvest wines and other quality resources in Beijing integration, the formation of the capital of wine, and frankly, the new company will be state-owned holding, holding no less than 60%. First half of 2010 was expected to achieve a new listed company, the fastest this year, landing the capital market, but surprisingly, the company has not set up on time. According to informed sources, the wine capital of enterprises involved in the integration of many, many faces resistance, coupled with government approval procedures are complex, it dragged on until now been formally established.

    In fact, the wine prices have already opened a regional integration. Last April 8, Jiangsu Shuang'gou wine and Yanghe completed the share transfer, to 535 million acquisition of Shuang'gou Yanghe 40.59% stake, making it the largest shareholder Shuang'gou and wants to use took the concept nationwide, the scale of the road.
    and wine producing areas of integration of the initiative is not the Soviet Union. Rum on the fall of 2006, Xi'an, dozens of wine enterprises in Henan tour debut and play the valued. The industry believes that The industry cluster model to fight against the man.
    for Star Dragon Seal wine, white wine and the combination of Wang Qi of China Alcoholic Drinks Industry Association, the Secretary-General said that he is very optimistic about the different types of wine enterprise integrated with each other, because the company's products targeting different market, there is no overlap sex, and integration, both professionals, channels, mutual funds and other resources can be borrowed. Brewery Co., Ltd., and Yang Su Yang Tingdong Wine Group Chairman said, industry dispersion, low-concentration drinks industry, the general trend of regional integration will be ushered in, more and more wineries have a geopolitical capacity to participate in Area Integration up.
    with industry analysts say,blackhawks jerseys, has always been better and liquor, the emblem of wine, liquor and other known loud Su Beijing wine, through the integration Baotuan the future will be more to the overall image appearance, & ldquo ; Beijing wine

    collection of quality resources to seek listing
    back in December 2009, Beijing SASAC in the capital Wine special meeting to determine . After integration, the capital of the formal establishment of liquor, while the replenishment of the public will inevitably become the focus of the outside world.
    said Su Zhimin, the capital of wine will strive to ; to become the first Lenovo-branded Erguotou and make Dragon Seal wine brands into the country the first camp.
    It is understood that Red Star is Erguotou wine master, has been tradition for nearly 800 years. Beijing Red Star Erguotou is the history of a wine named after the liquor brewing process, the quality of one. Recent large-scale retail enterprises nationwide major economic indicators and the main survey of sales of goods, Beijing
    Dragon Seal wine,mac brushes, wine is also high-quality resources in Beijing. Formerly known as Beijing Dragon Seal winery is the first winery in Beijing, with 101 years of history. According to its deputy general manager of Shen Tao, A Century in the company history, recorded with many glorious moments: the first bottle of 1912, China's ; Chinese Red Wine unique brand of Chinese wine shop.

    capital for the future operation of the capital of wine, Lin Nan revealed that the operation of the capital of wine will be gradually listed, there are mainly two kinds of public ways, one star for the use of the current shares in the IPO market line up the opportunity, should be, will star the first listing; other is through the acquisition of listed shell company, the overall package backdoor listing. If you find a suitable shell resources as soon as possible, the capital of wine next door listing, or IPO within three years of landing in the capital market.

    capital industry consolidation accelerated
    In fact, the Beijing State-owned enterprises in the city in recent years, SASAC co-ordination, are engaged in a massive industry consolidation. April 2009, due to the acquisition of the completion of large agricultural enterprises in Beijing integration. After the formation of agricultural capital assets of the Group amounted to 150 billion yuan, not only has a Haier joint venture brands.
    yesterday, while the establishment of liquor in the capital, from Beijing, Beijing COFCO joint management of state capital management center, the National Finance Co. Ltd. to open, Niu Xin Yun Ying (Tianjin) equity investment fund partnership (limited Partners) jointly initiated the establishment of the Beijing Food Co., Ltd. Beijing has officially launched. As a large state-owned grain enterprises in Beijing, Beijing COFCO joint stock company, will further highlight the main industry, food companies promote the capital market as soon as possible, and then the allocation of resources through the capital market advantages, accelerate the integration of Beijing food industry, construction, urban modern food enterprises.

    to the first wine from the farm and then to the first day of the Group, the capital of industry groups significantly speed the pace of construction. Party Secretary of Beijing SASAC, Director Zhou Yuqiu had previously said publicly that the capital city of Beijing SASAC will focus on functional orientation, focus on strengthening and expanding its core competitiveness of a number of billion dollar level of large enterprises and large enterprises billions class clusters, high-end state-owned economy of the industrial state-owned capital, securitization, owned Assets Supervision and standardized, the overall situation in the world cities in the country planning the development of SOE.
    Beijing Municipal Committee, vice mayor of Jilin yesterday, stressed that Beijing will speed up the adjustment of industrial structure, optimize the allocation of resources, training and benefits of large enterprise groups, industry cluster, is also necessary to vigorously develop the brand economy, focusing Beijing to build brand strength, and promote sustainable development of urban industry. The establishment of the capital of wine is an important initiative.
    experts also believe that the operation of a range of industry groups and boosting Beijing's control of state-owned capital, influence, and driving force. Can increase the intensity of M & A, market-oriented means to make good use of brand, quality resources in the industry consolidation Beijing to raise the core competitiveness of enterprises, the enterprises bigger and stronger, the occupation of these industries Heights.

    food is expected to become the next group of industry
    < p> a Beijing Dragon Seal Light Holdings currently has a wine brand Yili Food two years, in addition to Beijing, people familiar with the Arctic Ocean, soft drinks, Oupo cosmetics, Xinghai Piano, goldfish, detergents and many other products. James Bond has said Zhang, a light will focus on seven major industry groups to create, in addition to the capital of Wine Group, also includes the Beijing Food Group, the Beijing Daily Chemical Group, Beijing Glass Group, Beijing Xinghai Piano Group.
    Last year, the newspaper was a smash hit on the If the Arctic back the brand, the company will re-production of
    and a light in recent years has been the restructuring of the Arctic Ocean, its classified the same old brand of Beijing Yili Food sects,mac makeup, will move to the Arctic Ocean Yili Food Company plant will benefit its meaning bread and confectionery business and business operations while operating the Arctic cold. All the action from the point of view, a group under the operation of the industry flowers food industry is very high.