Thursday, March 17, 2011

Skipping to the upper eyelid can also bid farewell to goggle eyes - network communications services network

    Song Ping (Deputy Director of Dermatology, MD, Guang An Men Hospital, China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine International Medical Director)
    1, in fact, swollen upper eyelid with water at night and there is no direct relationship. Imagine, just born baby needs feeding and water is always at night, why the baby is not swollen upper eyelid? The occurrence of swollen upper eyelid is more self-constitution. If you had no such case,blackhawks jerseys, the most recent period before that happens, we must consider whether there is any change in life. For example, the diet suddenly eat something, or the pressure becomes larger, or stay up late more, start smoking and more. From the look to find reasons for their own lives and try to restore the original state.
    2, in medicine, swollen upper eyelid with weak spleen and stomach meridian is blocked, humid a relationship. If you often stay in the place cold and wet, or like to eat sweet, sticky, greasy and cold food, especially ice cream, ice drinks, it will add moisture to the body.
    3, to improve the swollen upper eyelid, usually the spleen dehumidification should eat foods, such as barley, yam, lentils and so on.
    4, if the morning found swollen upper eyelid, the best approach is a hot bath,vibram 5 fingers, the body's meridians to clear the blood metabolic smooth.
    5, with hot towels and cold towels alternate surface covered, and preauricular ear skin friction will play a certain effect.
    6, still swollen, you can jump rope 100 times, you will find sparkling eyes, rosy cheeks of the.
    7, pillows to raise a little, do not sleep with wet hair, there is definitely not stay up late, sleep too late, all need to pay attention to lifestyle.

    Nicole (the famous beauty expert, author of at night the next morning find fault caused by too much water, drink plenty of water on a little skill, big mouth to his head and should not be drank, so easy to drink without control, causing puffiness. But Beijing relatively dry, without water the body can not stand, so you should drink a sip of each, containing what many in the mouth, then swallow slowly, to reduce water intake, so the eyes will not over-swelling the next day.
    2, if the next day, find fault, and could use the eye swelling and drainage massage. First take sufficient amount of cream, ring finger with both hands from the inside out, in today's skin from the inside corner to the outer corners. And then slide down along the edge of the face to the next jaw bone. About 20 times, you can play a very good drainage to eliminate the effects of faces badly bruised.
    3, in the morning and evening use Firming Eye Gel-like effect of the cream will help to tighten the bags under the eyes, such as bags under the eyes thinking compact charm Oupo Lu, The Farm Body Farm Shop elder EYE have the effect of tightening the plastic bags under the eyes.
    4, composition, containing caffeine, cucumber eye product ingredients can also help relieve eye puffiness. Such as Clinique Eye Care Cream.
    5, more serious if the eye edema, can be up in the morning after a hot bath, hot water will help strengthen the body's blood circulation, enabling drainage,mac brushes, wash with hot water than simply just have to be effective more. In addition, drink a cup of black coffee, but also very conducive to rapid elimination of edema.

    Cecile Qu (International registered dietitian)
    1, sleep is very important for the maintenance of the eye, adequate sleep can greatly reduce bags under the eyes appear to be a day guaranteed 7 hours of sleep, of course, do not sleep too long, or will increase the burden of fatigue and eye. Also the start time of sleep is also important to 11 am to 12 pm is prime time for sleep, so that the body is consistent with the physiological detoxification time.
    2, eat foods rich in vitamins A, B of the food, do not eat salty and too greasy food. Eat more vegetables and fruits, but do not eat fruit at night, or excessive bags of sugar is also produced one of the reasons, there will be danger of obesity.
    3, a day to ensure adequate water, especially in winter and relatively dry areas, but also to ensure adequate moisture, stability, metabolism, the metabolism of the body excess water out through the urine, it will not because of edema resulting eye. Water to drink (tea, coffee, drinks not) 1.5-2 liters, drink plenty of water to a small number, do not go on filling big mouth.
    4, the fastest of the morning when the body metabolism,mac makeup, get a drink after the first 400 ml of water, wake up the stomach work to help detoxification. Drink enough water during the day, two hours before bed is better to not drink, so I really thirsty to drink sipping.
    5, often do eye exercises to promote blood circulation eye. Usually do not develop rub eyes, squint eyes and rubbed my eyes in bad habits. When the sun is strong, you can wear sunglasses protect the eye. Makeup or makeup, the action should be gentle, do not pull hard.