Monday, March 21, 2011

Small displacement purchase tax concessions out of the end automobile market in Guangzhou

cursory Rams
purchase tax preferential policies for small-displacement is about to expire, if not to renew next year, next year and the following displacement 1.6L car purchase expenses will be higher than this year.

out of stock reproduction

is the so-called car of the psychological, some models It is understood that the current market price of the Honda CRV 197,800 ~ 262,800, and now provides car, the fastest have to wait a month. There sales staff revealed that 1 million if the increase can take the car ahead.
own brand took the opportunity to for vehicles with incentives is about to expire, or not be renewed next year, many people in the industry have speculated the change in tax rates will have a greater impact on the auto market next year, but will also affect the overall December sales data. However, most dealers were interviewed that consumer fancy small-displacement 1.6 liters and below models,mac brushes, not simply because the purchase tax by 2.5% of the reasons, but also fine-tuning of the purchase tax will not give up car.
learned that because of low-emission vehicles before Shengzhuan Ming purchase tax concessions may be canceled, the market began in early November, 1.6L Chevrolet million to count,vibram 5 fingers, if the abolition of purchase tax concessions, it is necessary to pay several thousand dollars more. According to many dealers introduced, consumers have the same idea is too much, in November, does have a large number of customers to place orders for vehicles. To 11 the end of the first harvest of orders shop has been considerable.
FAW-Volkswagen, a wide physical store sales manager, said next year's 1.6L and the following displacement than the purchase tax on cars increased by 2.5% this year, consumers will have to pay the highest tax dollars 2000-3000 models, which take more than ten million for customers to buy a car is a small amount.
In fact, the new tax rate has no impact on the automobile market in the end, can be seen from the prices on, compared to last month, this month offers a variety of models shrink again in 11 months, the Guangzhou market Fit the larger discount,blackhawks jerseys, Feng Fan, Li Wei and other models, has now been reduced about 2,000 yuan. The Audi A4 (configuration Gallery reputation Forum) L and some other models do not currently car, there are about 3,000 discount. Dealers said that they still retain those concessions, mainly to keep the order will not be lost. Many dealers have said the car in short supply is the most annoying things,mac makeup, offer less and less sure, and the more close to the Spring Festival, the offers will be less. This is a stark contrast with previous years.