Sunday, March 13, 2011

Comprehensive treatment of oral ulcers of Chinese and Western

gradually warming as the weather, the hospital began to busy dental clinic, where oral ulcers are the most common diseases. in the prevention. is as temperatures rise, day short night, the population of late, often stays up late, modern people like to eat barbecue with greasy food, so more prone to mouth ulcers.
oral ulcers in six type
Chinese medicine, the incidence of this disease, external to the main heat toxin; internal internal injuries, mostly emotional, diet,, due to atrioventricular Laojuan . About
First, when exogenous drug type: prone to exogenous after 1-2 days, accompanied by exogenous symptoms. Beginning of the oral mucosa local congestion, swelling, slight pain, tongue or lips appeared in corn kernels or small red spots like herpes, herpes ulceration within 12 hours, were superficial ulcers, the boundary clear. Expelling Qingrejiedu Jianpihuashitang.
Second, the spleen accumulated heat type: multiple erosion common tongue sores, wound swelling, burning pain, rather then the bad breath, gum swelling, pain, accompanied by thirst, polydipsia, constipation, yellow urine, red tongue yellow moss. Expelling heat purging fire.
Third, spleen and kidney yang: more common mouth sores, ulcers looking white, not red around, a small number and permanently, with limbs not warm, dry mouth hi hot drinks, back pain, frequent urination clear long, loose stool, pale tongue, greasy coating. Expelling spleen and kidney warming.
four, spleen and stomach type: common recurrent mouth sores, sore looking pale depression, with Shenpi shortness of breath and not eating, limbs not warm, loose stool, pale tongue, white fur. Expelling Bu Zhong Yi Qi, spleen dampness.
five,mac makeup, heart-kidney: more common ulcer bright red color, quantity, and different shapes, sizes, and the pain day and night, light weight, upset with palpitations, insomnia, forgetfulness, dizziness, ringing in the ears , waist and knee pain, throat mouth, short yellow urine, red tongue thin. Expelling Yin and clear fire, raising Anshen.
six yin deficiency type: common mouth ulcers, occurred in the period before and after the early period with the amount of more than five upset hot, dry mouth hi drink,nhl hockey, pale tongue, thin white fur. Expelling nourishing Yin and latent down virtual fire.
Chinese medicine treatment of oral ulcers mainly
treatment of oral ulcers Although many, but basically symptomatic treatment, designed primarily to relieve pain or reduce relapses. Some of recurrent oral ulcers by the lack of vitamin B2 and zinc caused by trace elements, therefore, when you need to add some relevant material. Because this disease is self-limiting disease, their disease will recover over time and more, so much is taken in oral ulcers symptomatic treatment.
Western medicine generally use 1% silver nitrate solution or 5% trichloroacetic acid tincture applied to the ulcer surface; also be 1% -2% crystal violet, analgesics applied to the ulcer surface. Or you can rinse or rivanol 0.1% chlorhexidine solution 0.05%. While giving oral vitamin C, vitamin B2 and zinc gluconate.
TCM syndrome differentiation treatment of the disease requires specific treatment can be divided into real and imaginary fire, fire two types:
inflammation based on a real fire: the general performance of the oral mucosa around the ulcer bright red, slightly swollen, burning clear, talk or eat heavier, can be accompanied by fever, thirst, yellow urine, red tongue, yellow tongue coating. Optional proprietary Chinese medicines are pills and guidance Huanglianshangqing pill.
Yin Huo-wang type: general performance of the oral ulcers festering face gray, pink or red around the mucosa, ulceration points less, generally 1-2, easy to repeated attacks, the more he performance of this from, and continuously. Red tongue, less fluid, less fur. The choice of proprietary Chinese medicines are Zhibai Dihuang Wan and yin tonic pill.
watermelon frost oral ulcer treatment effect
In fact, various types of oral ulcers can be cured of fire appropriate to use some drugs, which was undoubtedly the most familiar of the watermelon frost . The use of watermelon frost a long history, first recorded in more than two hundred years ago. Doctors Gushi Cheng Qing Dynasty to its inclusion Watermelon cream of modern preparations, in terms of treatment of oral ulcers, with three gold Watermelon Frost represented. The spray easy to use, spray directly on the affected area, Smell heavier, cool the strong, immediate relief to the pain, the treatment of oral ulcers significantly. Compared with Western medicine, Watermelon Frost is pure Chinese medicine, non-toxic side effects and other adverse reactions, the use of more security.
market some of the common oral ulcer drugs:
meaning can be attached (dexamethasone acetate paste pieces)
drugs function: for non-inflammatory oral ulcers, oral lichen planus.
Usage and Dosage: the tablet affixed to the white surface of the affected area, light pressure with your fingers for 10-15 seconds. The usual dose of 1-2 tablets per day not more than eight.
Price: 14 yuan
Yan Qing particle clouds pass
drugs function: the heart due to lung and stomach for the virtual loss of kidney Yin Ye, false fire caused by floating more Diseases of the oral variety.
Usage and Dosage: Oral: 1 bag each time, 2 or 3 times a day. Boiled water.
Price: 19 yuan
Tong Ren Tang oral ulcers scattered
drugs function: convergence sores heat dissipation for oral ulcers.
and dosage: for external use, drug use sterile cotton ball dipped in rubbing the affected area 2 to 3 times a day.
Price: 1 per
Ring China tablets
drugs function: for chronic pharyngitis, chronic periodontitis, gingivitis, recurrent oral ulcers, traumatic oral ulcers, stomatitis and Candida albicans Mount Black type lichen planus and so on.
and dosage: sublingual,mac brushes, oral inflammation,vibram 5 fingers, each 1 to 2, 1, 4 times. 1 week of chronic oral ulcers as a course of treatment..
reference price: 9 yuan
oral ulcer compound chlorhexidine membrane (chlorhexidine oral ulcer film)
drugs function: for oral mucosal ulcers.
and dosage: stripped coated paper, remove the membrane, depending on the size of oral ulcers affixed to the surface of the skin, a one to a few tablets, 4 times a day or as directed.
Price: 2 yuan

latest pharmaceutical market in spring