Sunday, March 13, 2011

Conceal his education and training under the chaos of the boom

false promises, promises school
false propaganda, promises school education and training industry led to the decline in integrity.
a name to help end consumers complained to the Beijing Consumers Association, said he and eight students enrollment in a training institution graduated Training and delegate stated on October 1 last year, classes, Course 5 days, the result was towed to commence on November 1, the curriculum changed to 3 days, and in the school grounds during the illness to teachers to enable students to see the disc counseling. Education and training institutions for this undue delay classes, compression programs, does not provide face to face training, consumer class training fees refund but was refused.
Beijing Consumer Association released analysis of consumer complaints last December, PubMed training course without change as a hot consumer complaints. In addition to the issue of consumer complaints to delay commencement of training institutions, there are a number of institutions without changing the school address,mac makeup, or time to the consumer inconvenience.
March of this year, Xiamen City of Industry 12315 consumer complaints and reports issued by the command center 38, an increase of 72.73%. Complaints focused on: training, advertising 承诺不兑现; training institutions delay the opening or free replacement of teachers, training location, training time, training content; do not have the educational qualifications in education and training activities, advertisements exaggerated, induced consumption.
executive director of China Association of Private Education, Hangzhou, Xu-funded Institute of Education has just said that the current education and training of complaints is a very important reason for false promises of specific performance: First, the promises, and parents early sign an undertaking by the training can significantly improve student achievement, and finally the promises; the second is when propaganda exaggerated teachers deliberately do not reveal the identity of the teacher; third commitment of the commencement of time due to commence on time and not enough enrollment; Fourth breach of contract, the parents request a refund, the training institutions have to play with words, do hundreds pass the buck. He said the false propaganda,vibram 5 fingers, promises school education and training industry led to the decline in integrity.
quite a mixed bag mixed
in some places, education and training market, what people can be a trainer, anyone can go to lectures.
last August, a corporal punishment, students Denson Hill, causing his death.
Ye Jiaguo Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences researcher, said early childhood education or the education of young people is a complex of knowledge, some children even the basic education, child psychology, medicine and nutrition, are not understand, to running a youth education courses. Nanning sail training camp killed the students to save the event in this area is the most typical event.
Yejia Guo said that in some places, education and training market, what people can be a trainer, anyone can go to lectures. Training CD, Chen took the lectures of all back down, then around claiming to be Chen's student recruitment posters affixed to the training, rent a venue for a large group of people give lectures. Patient Rights Protection Committee, said that some education and training institutions do not have legal qualifications, but vigorously to attract students. Many students had participated in Suzhou Once registered, does not have the training and teaching conditions.
Closely supervise management of Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Education, said Sun Jianguo, director of the Office in 2009, Qingdao, Zhengzhou, Henan Province occurred in the private education and training institutions to do cultural CLASS Qingdao, escaped with money after the results of enrollment fees, caused by collective petition students and parents. The first 4 months of this year, Qingdao City Board of Education Closely supervise management office of the city's more than 400 private non-academic conduct a comprehensive inspection training schools, 44 schools were ordered hidden problems existing deadline for correction.
vicious competition, soliciting students
some peer-training institutions to compete for students, showing the tendency of organized and planned.

Excellence in Education, the chairman of Guangzhou, Beijing, said Tang Jun, 2009, the Panyu District of education and training institutions for enrollment, a copy of our brochures to promotional materials on our website and their names replaced . Even more ironic is that excellence in education that year 50 million donation to the community of love, Panyu District, this education and training even a face-lift of our contributions to the photos posted up. We usually delivery staff in the recruitment advertisements, the peer competitor even hire an undercover candidates, burned our brochures instead of distributed to the market.

teacher education and training institutions is the core competitiveness. School of Education of Guangzhou Xu Wenbin said principals, education and training industry is highly competitive, peer frequent poaching each other, compete for students, enrollment close combat situation. Chun Jing said, some peer-training institutions in order to compete for students, showing the tendency of an organized plan, enrollment during the summer holidays are often an important time, they often resorted to various means in June poach our best teacher, the student data also taken away in an attempt to make some of our courses they can not, in order to disrupt our training program, the purpose of destroying the reputation of the training.
executive director of China Association of Private Education, Hangzhou Institute of Education funded FORENSIC just said, on education and training industry, has a good teacher means students, but in the employment of teacher education and training institutions too fluid to have to resign every few days, often causing many parents petition, a very important reason is peer-throat competition, mutual poaching.
vocational training market is facing multiple management control out of control
bid for the education and training need to be qualified and size, and because the education and training agencies and experts believe that the current chaos as education and training market and industry barriers to entry is low, poor educational qualifications, not unrelated multiple management; focus on the training needs of the industry, the current head of department training needs should be based on social standardized management, and critical review of educational qualification training institutions, regular assessment, the introduction of third-party monitoring system, strengthen risk management and control.
two major problems of education and training market

Closely supervise management of Qingdao City Board of Education Office of Sun Jianguo said that at present, education and labor departments can approve education and training institutions, the labor department for approval of a number of vocational training schools, 170 in Qingdao were more than required to be filed to the local education sector, but not a record in recent years, the education sector, since the bull management, vocational training, the market is basically in control out of control.
Jinan City, Shandong Province, Deputy Secretary for Education Lixian Chen said that in practice, the education sector for private educational institutions, lack of risk control measures, the education sector of operations for many companies leasing space in particular school of training institutions beyond the reach. But once a school or educational institutions with money to escape, the students all went to the education authorities have come to view.
Second, some enterprises set up in the business sector illegal recruitment consultancy, training, education, avoidance of education, the civil affairs department of industry regulation.
Closely supervise management of Qingdao City Board of Education Office, said Sun Jianguo, a notable signs that many companies are now incorporated in the business sector, educational consulting firm, in accordance with the business license and registered business scope, such Education and training consulting company is not running, but they
in accordance with the provisions in the education sector, the civil affairs department requires a certain bid for education and training qualifications and size. Tianjin Land of Wealth Ma Hui, Senior Vice President of Education, for example, Compass Foreign Languages ​​School is the nature of private non-profit enterprises, there are two main sector management, civil affairs department issued permits school, the education sector was given Closely supervise the business guidance, educational threshold is relatively high, such as the need for school places more than 400 square meters, four or more staff have teaching qualifications, but also handed over 1.5 million yuan to the education sector, standby bond.
while playing the Several teachers, renewed a catchy name, buy a few of the materials will be able to enter the profession.

卷款 absconded to avoid regulation have occurred
education and training institutions to be removed from the market.
Some experts believe that the current education and training institutions set up in the business sector, educational consulting company engaged in the education and training to be getting worse, so avoid a civil, regulatory requirements, the school education sector, potentially reducing access for the industry threshold.
2009 年 12 月 14 onwards, well-known Kane spoken English training school English training in Shanghai, five points be closed, once fell into more than a thousand students resume classes, refund unfunded situation. This event is not an individual. The end of October 2009, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Wuhan and other places Linguaphone English training schools have been closed; Beijing English training center in Switzerland to close, many students around the recovery of fees, adverse impact in the community.
vice president of Software Industry Association, Guangzhou, Zhongshan University, said Star City, good dreams, chairman of travel, the education and training institutions are generally taken the form of advance payment, service after the first charge, a year's tuition is received, once the Admission can not keep up, cash flow difficulties, unsustainable management to the participants interests, which is education and training institutions are frequent closure of the door, absconding incidents occur 卷款 important reasons.
three-pronged approach to strengthen surveillance
States should as soon as possible profit education training institutions, management practices, development of specific standards to prevent some of the company by the name of education consulting firm, accusing him of Education training on the road.
education and training for the current market situation, the experts proposed to start three-pronged approach to strengthen the supervision of:
First, raise the threshold for strict scrutiny. Tianjin Land of Wealth Education Group, said Ma Hui, senior vice president for education and training market, related departments should set up some barriers to entry, strict review.
Closely supervise management of Qingdao City Board of Education Office of Sun Jianguo said that laws and regulations to promote private education, business class, private school approved by the business sector, but until now the country has not introduced specific operational methods, the state Sex education should be profitable as soon as possible management practices training institutions to develop specific criteria, while clearly teaching business education and training institutions should be the education sector is responsible for the supervision.
Secondly, local government education and training market should be clearly competent authorities perform their functions, change the education and training business.
again, turned over to the insurance fund, risk management and control. Executive director of China Association of Private Education, Hangzhou, Xu-funded Institute of Education has just said that in Australia, New Zealand and other countries, in addition to government regulation, the insurance company will also monitor training institutions, training institutions, insurance should be in school, students After payment of the fee is equal to purchase insurance, once the collapse if the education and training institutions, insurance companies will conduct Peifu.
Some experts believe that national authorities should increase the petty cash profit educational institution standards, to promote corporate self-regulation. Frequent occurrence in previous years engineering workers wages owed, then the ratio for projects around the extraction by wage protection fund, special fund account management, and effectively reduce the incidence of defaults. For this reason, some experts called for education and training industry can learn from this approach, according to the proportion of extraction fee reserve margin, to be used to monitor accounts.
risks involved in venture capital a strong geometry?
the operating characteristics of short-term benefits to the industry may have a negative impact

venture involved a strong education and training
famous professional education investment financing institutions in the capital of Hangzhou Institute of Education --- tracking study found that domestic education and training industry in recent years, there is no lack of foreign venture capital financing institutions figure: August 2009, Tiger Global Fund to bring South Korea KTB Investment Group to invest 40 million learning and thinking dollars; March 2008, the Beijing Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Announces Huizhong puzzle KPCB $ 10,000,000 in investments; February 2008,nhl hockey, the world-renowned joint venture agency, Legend Capital, Sequoia Capital to Beijing million into the Education Technology Co., Ltd. millions of dollars in venture capital; September 2007, Carlyle announced the investment of $ 20,000,000 shares of New World Education Group.
things because it is new, the current education and training institutions injection of venture capital institutions were not the full authority of the Government statistics. According to executive director of China Association of Private Education, Hangzhou Institute of Education-funded follow-up study Xu-Gang, according to incomplete statistics, China currently has more than 300 education and training in domestic and foreign venture capital firms are funding, the education and training institutions, including the giant Group, a large school of education, New Oriental, Global IELTS, Abou education, red, yellow, blue and educational institutions.
risk financing to enhance the industry strength
respondents responsible for education and training institutions and research experts believe that the role of venture capital needed for the dialectical view, venture capital management experience and resources to bring help to improve the corporate governance structure of education, rapid expansion, but the operating characteristics of short-term interests may be to attract investment in education and training institutions, and even a negative impact on development of the industry.
2004, the New Oriental Education & Technology Group to obtain venture capital and other investment institutions Tiger Fund $ 50,000,000, enterprises rapidly expanding fission, becoming the leading education and training institutions to study business; September 7, 2006, the enterprise landing successfully listed on the New York Stock Exchange, became the first listed enterprise education industry, greatly stimulated the venture capital market, China's enthusiasm for education and training.
President Xueda Guangzhou Xu Wenbin said that a considerable number of training institutions in China is a model developed from small workshops, not the modern corporate governance structure, training institutions, the introduction of venture capital, financial strength will not only enable greatly increased, and the management level will be able to upgrade the core competitiveness of enterprises is enhanced.
venture development of the industry will have a profound impact. Vice President of Software Industry Association, Guangzhou, Zhongshan University, chairman of Star City, good dreams, said Yu, the current domestic education and training industry as a whole showed scattered, chaotic, small phenomenon, the involvement of venture capital to accelerate industry consolidation will enhance the industry strength, and regulate market behavior, promote the development of the industry.
negative impact should not be overlooked
like two sides of a coin, the negative impact of venture capital is also overlooked. The original financial partner Sun Hongwei Qin said the international venture capital the most direct purpose of a project is not held, but its bigger, value-added, and finally realize the value through the cash return, that is, the first day of venture capital from the investment to think about how to sell the project, and better price.
Tong Chun, chairman of Guangzhou, Beijing, excellence in education, said the training industry, the production of qualified products not only have good curriculum design, but also have a large number of outstanding teachers, and the cultivation of outstanding teachers is not three to five years possible short-term interest of venture capital requirements, often lead teacher training institutions do not keep up with the time in large-scale expansion, and finally to decline in the quality of teaching and affect the reputation of the entire organization, then the industry to suffer.

Chun Jing said before the signing of investment agreements, venture capital constraints will be added to strengthen the monitoring efforts of the investment projects to ensure the safety of their investment capital, smart venture investment in design terms naturally tend to their own side, coupled with lack of experience negotiating training institutions, professional support is weak, at any time venture capitalist class behind the accountants, lawyers accompanied the final terms signed by both parties often will the training arrangements of rights and obligations institutions less favorable, until the music stops, training institutions party suddenly realized,mac brushes, but it was too late.
warning, can not be ignored. LIU Xu Gang, from the current situation, injection of foreign venture investment of domestic education and training institutions are the industry leader, with the industry, increased competition and falling profits, a number of education and training institutions will remain difficult to complete the objectives, risk is not self-evident, and these education and training institutions hundreds of thousands of people at every turn, or even thousands of people, combined with high degree of social concern education and training industry, if an incident will result in adverse social effects of early education authorities should guard against.