Sunday, March 20, 2011

Enjoy delicious bite in the spring of

    the spring, weight loss of the season also Spring, want to lose weight, spring action will begin, or My Fair Lady revealed to the body of the summer, too late. Diet Xiaobian specially prepared for you weight-loss diet in spring 2011,mac makeup, Guinness, to help you to weight loss success in the spring to the summer you will not worry about fat legs and big Lianpan a large waist.

    spring diets nutrition and health: Bitter Melon Mushrooms wire
    raw materials: Bitter Melon (ie, bitter gourd) 150 grams, 100 grams mushrooms, 100 grams of mushroom, ginger, soy sauce, sugar, sesame oil amount.
    making approaches: (1) Bitter Melon along cut wire into filaments, ginger cut into filaments; (2) Shred soaked mushrooms, mushroom cut out clean end; (3) fried ginger, participants Lianggua silk, silk and mushrooms, salt, silk Bitter Melon with stir-fry until soft; (4) will participate in mushroom fry, stir well to participate in seasoning food on the line.
    functions and effects: mushrooms, mushroom can lower cholesterol; Lianggua rich in fiber, can reduce fat absorption.
    nutrition and healthy weight loss spring recipe: burning carp

    wolfberry raw materials: 1 carp, 12 grams medlar, soybean oil, onion, ginger, black pepper, salt, MSG amount.

    making approaches: (1) carp gutted, to the scales, wash clean,blackhawks jerseys, green onion strips,vibram 5 fingers, ginger and mince; (2) Heat the pan, fry until slightly brown the fish pot, to participate in onion , ginger, salt, black pepper and water, simmer a little while; (3) burned into medlar and then simmered for 10 minutes, to participate in MSG on the line food.

    functions and effects: wolfberry can prevent arteriosclerosis, the fish with less fat, weight loss benefit.

    nutrition and healthy weight loss Spring Recipe: Mushroom Tofu
    Ingredients: 300 grams of tofu, shiitake mushrooms 3, mustard, soy sauce, sugar, sesame oil, corn starch.
    making approaches: (1) tofu cut into four pieces, the center hollowed out; (2) was washed soaked chopped mushrooms, chopped mustard,mac brushes, starch, seasoning and mix well to participate in is the filling; (3) Center for fillings stuffed into tofu, steamed placed on a plate, topped with sesame oil, soy sauce on the line for human consumption.
    functions and effects: mushrooms can lower cholesterol, tofu beneficial weight loss.

    spring diets nutrition and health: fungus soup
    raw materials: 25 grams of black fungus, tofu 200 grams, a little salt, chicken broth 1 cup
    making approaches: (1) after the first black fungus bubble hair washed, sliced ​​tofu; (2) to participate in tofu and black fungus chicken soup and salt with the stew for 10 minutes on the line for human consumption.
    functions and effects: black fungus and bean curd are all healthy food, can lower cholesterol


    1, enjoy Chinese cooking method for cooking food such as steamed vegetables, fish, shrimp, chicken and so on.
    2, with low-fat vegetable cooking, or watering can to use when cooking oil spray rather than use dumping way.
    3, eat meat or meat balls, then row, preferring instead to use with baked fried! Use ground meat, it is best with chicken instead of beef.

    4, breakfast, eat properly, do not eat greasy, such as a banana, with only 8 calories you can eat.

    5, determined not to eat anything after dinner.

    6, drink plenty of water for at least 8 cups a day, you can magically help you reduce hunger, wash away excess body fat and maintain smooth operation of metabolism. (Alice Women Network)